
Products > Coloring



With the new collection we embrace the vegan philosophy as a responsibility towards the world in which we live.

In an era in which environmental awareness, the search for authenticity and psychophysical well-being take on a central role in daily life, consumers demand a new dimension in the shopping experience and interaction with brands.


No substances of animal origin or GMO substances are used for its production.

Naturalness index

Vitality’s laboratories have calculated the Zero Colour Naturalness Index which, through objective criteria and indicators (ISO16128), establishes the percentage present in the formula of ingredients of natural origin or derivation.

Organic extracts

Organic extracts of green tea, aloe, marshmallow, horsetail and thyme have antioxidant and emollient properties and help protect the color and make the hair soft and silky.
Obtained from organically grown plants or from controlled spontaneous harvesting.
The extraction process takes place while keeping the organoleptic and functional qualities of the plants intact, a technology that allows you to respect the environment, saving energy because it exploits low temperatures.

3 pillars of Zero Colour

Diamond skin protection


Diamond Skin Protection, composed of Alpha Bisabolol, has softening, calming, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
It reduces skin redness and produces a softening effect, especially on particularly delicate and sensitive skin. It helps protect the skin from the undesirable effects of staining, without altering its effectiveness.

Shine complex


Mix of active ingredients that gives the hair extraordinary shine and color hold.
This particular blend has a moisturizing, emollient and softening activity that allows you to obtain a bright and long-lasting color.

Sweet protection


Thanks to the restructuring properties of the wheat vegetable protein complex, present in the formula, the hair is soft and easy to comb.


Up to 4 lightening tones in total safety for the hair.


A soft and creamy texture delicately scented with floral notes of violet and ylang ylang.

With PTD

PPD, i.e. para phenylenediamine, is one of the fundamental components of hair coloring.
In some people with sensitive skin and predisposed to irritation, the presence of PPD can cause redness or contact dermatitis. PPD can be replaced with paratoluenediamine (PTD) which is a component tolerated by more people. 57%* of patients allergic to PPD tolerate PTD stains

(*study performed by Northwestern University Medical Center Source National Institutes of Health).

How to use Zero Colour

Dilution ratio


It allows you to have a cream with a denser, full-bodied and enveloping texture, which does not run, easy to distribute on the hair.

With a processing time of 30 to 45 minutes.

Technical tips

To get the best result:

  • Apply with very thin strand separations
  • Apply in storage, placing the creamy mixture on the hair, without spreading it with the brush

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Color and strength in a beat

Society, cultural movements and customs influence trends and vice versa

Heart pomegranate

Thanks to fashion, today we can communicate who we are and our values.

All style choices lead to the search for brands close to our way of living and being in the world: they aim to keep together

being unique and trendy at the same time. A professional hair color is the first step on this path of rediscovery of oneself and one’s desires to feel more beautiful and self-confident.

Because the beauty of women is close to our hearts.

The heart at the center

Close your eyes and breathe: you will feel it beating inside you.

At the center of your emotions.

Vitality’s has put color at the center, as a driver of business, innovation and fashion trends.

From the heart of the color they propagate the vibrations that give life to the whole Vitality’s world.

Colour with a technological heart. In one beat, it colors and strengthens the hair.  

Resistant, healthy, shiny and hydrated hair. Colour that is faithful over time. With a high index of naturalness.

Each Heart formula has been subjected to molar balancing,  to achieve full, bright colors and intense reflections.

Effective formula for amazing results.

Heart is Vitality’s coloring that strengthens while coloring, improving the firmness of the hair, increasing its resistance to the skin.


Phytokeratin: the strength of vegetable proteins

Following Vitality’s environmental awareness path, the Heart coloring cream is enriched with phytokeratin, the plant-based keratin derived from hemp and rice. Keratin is a protein that makes up the structure of the hair (scales and cortex). It gives compactness and elasticity to the hair.

Resistant and strong hair.

Omega glow complex

Omega Glow Complex is the plant-based complex of safflower and avocado oils contained in the Heart color. Rich in omega 3 – 6 – 9 fatty acids, vitamins D, E, K, it acts on two levels:

Inside the hair:

  • • brings hydration and nourishment;
  • • counteracts the action of free radicals thanks to its antioxidant action.
On the outside of the hair:
  • • creates a lipid film, giving elasticity.
Pomegranate extract: a powerful natural antioxidant

Rich in polyphenols, the pomegranate extract contained in Heart coloring cream helps protect the color, prolonging its duration.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, in fact, pomegranate extract helps preserve color over time, counteracting aging due to the external action of free radicals.

HIGH NATURALNESS INDEX IN RESPECT OF THE ENVIRONMENTHeart coloring cream has a naturalness index of


Texture characterized by a delicate floral and fruity fragrance, in which notes of peony and pomegranate prevail.

Heart Close-up
Heart attivatori
Activators, for an uncompromising color result

To get the most out of your Heart coloring cream, Vitality’s has formulated Heart Activators.

Specific formulas developed to work in synergy with the coloring cream.

They optimize color hold and stability.

They facilitate mixing, for a soft cream that adheres precisely to the hair.

Naturalness index 82-86%*.

58 NUANCES all the colors of the heart

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Life today is increasingly hectic, and that’s why fast, high-performance services are increasingly in demand. For those who want to treat themselves to a coloring and restructuring treatment in just 5 minutes.

It is the effective and fast professional service…

… just the time for a coffee!

Ideal for fast color service
in the living room or at home.

To revive your color,
or for those who want to experiment with new looks.

Gradually fades away
with washing without changing
the starting point.

Acidic pH

Helps to close the scales by fixing
inside the hair the colored pigment.


Its formula rich in active ingredients guarantees vital and strong hair, always in perfect shape.


Ammonia-free, it is ideal for even the most sensitive skin.
It leaves a sweet vanilla scent on the hair.

Platino espresso
modella espresso rame

Applied as a mask after shampooing, as well as coloring
the hair, helps to make it softer and easier to comb.


New easy-to-use pack that facilitates the application of the product in the salon and at home.


Vitality’s recovers the unused parts of coffee from a local company and, in collaboration with a Turin-based Cleantech Company (a company with a low environmental impact focused on the research and development of extraction techniques) creates the exclusive active ingredient of Espresso,

modello espresso viola
The restructuring active ingredient in Espresso


Molecular complex based on vegetable proteins that deeply restructures the hair, giving shine and softness.

What it contains: KERATIN.

Benefits: Robust and more elastic hair without frizz.


To strengthen cool blonde tones.

espresso argento 200 ml

To enhance the highlights of platinum blonde hair with very light lightening.

espresso platino 200 ml
Latte macchiato

To cool down light blonde to blonde hair highlights.

espresso latte macchiato 200 ml

To cool warm, golden highlights on blonde hair.

espresso mocaccino 200 ml

To intensify the highlights of blonde to dark blonde hair.

espresso cappuccino 200 ml

To brighten up light brown to brown hair.

espresso marrone 200 ml

To intensify the blue tones.

espresso blu 200 ml

To intensify the shades of purple.

espresso viola 200 ml

To enhance the highlights of red hair.

espresso rosso 200 ml

To revive and enhance copper and copper/red hair.

espresso rame 200 ml

To brighten up light blonde hair with golden highlights.

espresso dorato 200 ml

Are you a hairdresser?

Contact us for more information on how to become one of our accredited hairdressers.

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Il Sole fa bene alla pelle, aiuta a riposare meglio, migliora l’umore e allontana lo stress

Conosci gli e etti delle radiazioni solari per esporti al sole nel modo giusto e in piena sicurezza?

Le radiazioni ultravioletti provengono sia dalla luce diretta sia da quella indiretta.

A seconda della lunghezza d’onda si dividono in 3 tipologie:

UVA: hanno una lunghezza d’onda lunga e penetrano nel derma, provocando un invecchiamento precoce della pelle. Questi raggi possono causare danni a lungo termine.

UVB: hanno una lunghezza d’onda media e vengono assorbiti dall’epidermide, ma non raggiungono il derma. Sono responsabili dell’abbronzatura ma anche di scottature, eritemi, ustioni e alterazioni nella struttura delle cellule. Contribuiscono alla sintesi della vitamina D.

UVC: hanno una lunghezza d’onda corta. Sono le radiazioni più dannose, ma non arrivano alla super cie terrestre, perché assorbite dallo strato di ozono presente nell’atmosfera.

L’intensità dei raggi UV dipende dalla stagione, dal momento della giornata, dall’altitudine e latitudine.

Immagine linea sole
Una prolungata esposizione al sole può essere dannosa anche per i capelli. I capelli si indeboliscono, sottoposti a un forte stress ossidativo, disidratandosi e perdendo di elasticità. Il colore cosmetico sbiadisce e il cuoio capelluto può irritarsi. È importante proteggere i capelli dai raggi UVB, così come si protegge la pelle, con prodotti specifici. Sole è la linea di prodotti essenziali o erti da Vitality’s per il trattamento e per la protezione dei capelli esposti a sole e vento
L’olio di maracuja (o frutto della passione), deriva dalla pianta della passi ora edulis, una piccola pianta rampicante coltivata in Sudamerica. Dalla spremitura a freddo dei semi deriva l’olio che idrata i capelli e lenisce la cute dalle irritazioni e dagli arrossamenti grazie alla sua azione antinfiammatoria e calmante, senza appesantire. Contribuisce a proteggere i capelli da sole e vento lasciandoli leggeri, morbidi e lucidi. L’olio di semi di maracuja è un concentrato multifunzione di: Flavonoidi: forte azione antiossidante, proteggono i capelli dai radicali liberi, ritardandone l’invecchiamento Vitamine: A – aiuta nel processo di crescita dei capelli, C ed E – antiossidanti, combattono i radicali liberi e aumentano l’elasticità dei capelli. K – rende i bulbi radicati più saldamente, Minerali: fosforo e potassio per capelli vitali e resistenti
Immagine prodotti linea sole
Un intenso bouquet  orito di gelsomino, magnolia e gardenia risveglia la sensazione e la voglia della bella stagione.  Le note dolci dello zucchero integrale e del  ore della vaniglia, attenuate dalle note agrumate tipiche del mediterraneo (bergamotto, pompelmo rosa, neroli) trasportano nel caldo dell’estate.  Infine, le note avvolgenti delle bacche di vaniglia si intrecciano alle note legnose del cedro e del muschio bianco.
Lo shampoo dopo sole deterge delicatamente cute e capelli, rimuovendo cloro, salsedine, sabbia e prodotti «leave in» di protezione. Elimina le impurità e lascia il capello deterso. La schiuma so ce e compatta regala una piacevole sensazione di leggerezza e morbidezza al tatto. Nutre i capelli rendendoli morbidi. PRINCIPI ATTIVI V.E.G. Mix: ha proprietà idratanti e antiossidanti. Olio di Maracuja: lenisce la cute da irritazioni e arrossamenti, grazie alla sua azione antin ammatoria e calmante. Contribuisce a proteggere i capelli da sole e vento. Polyquaternium 10: di origine naturale, ha funzione districante. Pantenolo: ha funzione idratante e lucidante e migliora la pettinabilità. MODO D’USO  distribuire su cute e capelli umidi. Massaggiare. Emulsionare e risciacquare. Se necessario ripetere l’applicazione.
Care&Style Sole Shampoo
La maschera dopo sole nutre i capelli inariditi dal sole e dalla salsedine, lasciandoli morbidi, levigati e lucenti. PRINCIPI ATTIVI V.E.G. Mix: ha proprietà idratanti e antiossidanti. Olio di Maracuja: lenisce la cute da irritazioni e arrossamenti, grazie alla sua azione antinfiammatoria e calmante. Contribuisce a proteggere i capelli da sole e vento. Complesso vegetale biodegradabile: derivante dalla canna da zucchero, ha funzione emolliente, lascia i capelli facili da pettinare. Burro di karitè: ricavato dal frutto dell’albero di Karitè, ha funzione emolliente. MODO D’USO applicare dopo lo shampoo su capelli umidi, lasciare agire 2-3 minuti, pettinare, risciacquare.
Crema senza risciacquo. Arricchita con filtro UVB che aiuta a proteggere dalle radiazioni solari, leviga i capelli. Idrata, districa e ammorbidisce i capelli. Con e etto anti-crespo, da usare sia come pre-piega sia come  finish. Può essere applicata su capelli bagnati o asciutti. La texture morbida e leggera conferisce grande versatilità e sensazione di morbidezza. PRINCIPI ATTIVI V.E.G. Mix: ha proprietà idratanti e antiossidanti. Olio di Maracuja: lenisce la cute da irritazioni e arrossamenti, grazie alla sua azione antinfiammatoria e calmante. Contribuisce a proteggere i capelli da sole e vento. Filtro UVB: protegge la  bra capillare dai danni indotti dai raggi UVB, quali stress ossidativo, disidratazione e perdita di elasticità. MODO D’USO applicare prima o dopo l’esposizione al sole. Riapplicare al bisogno. Dopo l’esposizione al sole e dopo aver lavato i capelli, applicare su capelli tamponati prima di procedere all’asciugatura naturale o con phon. Per definire i capelli ed eliminare il crespo, applicare anche su capelli asciutti.
Care&Style Sole Kiss

Olio solare protettivo per capelli. Protegge i capelli dai raggi del sole, dalla salsedine e dal cloro preservando il colore cosmetico grazie al filtro UVA/UVB. La sua formula, arricchita con Olio di Maracuja e da un emolliente vegetale biodegradabile, previene la disidratazione dei capelli senza appesantirli. Senza siliconi.


lenisce la cute da irritazioni e arrossamenti, grazie alla sua azione antinfiammatoria e calmante. Contribuisce a proteggere i capelli da sole e vento.

Filtro UVA e UVB: Il filtro fornisce una protezione contro i raggi UVA, preservando la vivacità e il colore cosmetico e naturale dei capelli. Inoltre, previene lo sbiadimento causato dall’esposizione solare e protegge la fibra capillare dagli effetti dannosi dei raggi UVB, contribuendo così a difendere la fibra capillare dallo stress ossidativo, dalla disidratazione e dalla perdita di elasticità.

protegge dal calore dei raggi del Sole e riduce l’effetto crespo, rendendo i capelli lisci e setosi.


Vaporizzare su tutta la lunghezza dei capelli. Applicare prima dell’esposizione al sole e dopo ogni bagno.

L’upcycling secondo Vitality’s

Vitality’s recupera da aziende del Piemonte
le parti inutilizzate di piante, frutti e chicchi.

Il V.E.G. Mix che ne deriva assicura l’utilizzo al 100% delle materie prime vegetali derivanti dal settore alimentare.

Il recycling secondo Vitality’s

I  facloni e i vasi sono in PET riciclato al 100%. Ogni 2  facloni di PET vergine derivante dal riciclo post-consumer, si ottiene 1  faclone in PET riciclato al 100%. Recycling: doppia vita alla plastica!

Formulazioni attente all’ambiente e al consumatore. Le formule sono prive di coloranti aggiunti e di allergeni. È stato privilegiato l’uso di materie prime di derivazione naturale e biodegradabili.

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Le nostre migliori scelte

I prodotti

Scopri la nostra sezione di prodotti

Deco -Ice9

The blond, always current, reinvents itself. To follow the trends and desires of every woman. Infinite shades capable of giving three-dimensionality and brilliance to the color.

The blond, always current, always new and constantly changing. Infinite shades of blonde and infinite possibilities to obtain them, enhancing the beauty of every woman.

Hair with plays of light with a natural flavor as if kissed by the sun or extreme blondes such as the timeless platinum blonde.

Each time the hairdresser must know how to interpret women’s desire and translate it into a special and personalized look.

This is the Vitality’s range of products for professional, high-performance and non-aggressive bleaching, for lightening up to 6 tones.

Active ingredients


Precious blend of cottonseed oil and illipè oil which, by nourishing the hair, helps to reduce the impoverishing effects of the bleaching process.


Fibrous protein present in the hair, it gives compactness, resistance and elasticity. It acts in synergy with the OIL COMPLEX to protect the hair and give an excellent conditioning effect.


It is a particularly versatile bleaching powder, suitable for all bleaching techniques. Its special formulation and the quality of the raw materials used prevent swelling and product leakage from the “rolling papers”. The creamy texture adheres perfectly to the hair, giving it uniform bleaching.

Complex oil & Keratin: protection and nourishment of the hair during bleaching.

Rice starch: softening effect for soft hair.

Powder color: light blue.

Fragrance: fresh.

Free hand

Its ammonia-free formulation guarantees a mixtureparticularly suitable for soft lightening, on any type of hair, thus resulting in an extremely delicate bleaching powder. Thanks to specific components, the mixture obtained between the powder and the activator is ideal for all freehand techniques.

Complex oil & Keratin: protection and nourishment
of the hair during bleaching.
Powder color: white.
It was chosen not to use perfumes to make it closer
to the needs of the most sensitive people.

Sweety hair bleach

Formulated for applications at the base of the hair.
The bisabolol present in the formula gives a delicate and soothing action.
It can be used to bleach the entire hair.

Complex oil: nourishment of the hair during bleaching.
Cream color: white.
It was chosen not to use perfumes to make it closer to the needs
of the most sensitive people.


Its delicate formula works in synergy with DECO bleaching powders.
Thanks to its creaminess, it adapts perfectly to the hair,
making it easier to rinse the mixture.
Follow the instructions for use of Deco bleaches.

Extreme blonde bleaching,
for cool lightening up to 9 tones.

Active ingredients


It helps to make the hair strong and resistant, especially in
case of more fragile hair.
The hair will be even softer, shinier, more elastic and hydrated.
The betaine used is 100% plant-based and is certified


Helps nourish and soften the hair making it shiny and docile
to the comb.

Extra lightening bleaching powder

It allows you to lighten up to 9 tones, obtaining discolorations without warm reflections.

  • It is easy to mix and adheres optimally to the hair, not
    drips and not swollen a.
  • Its particular anti-yellow formula gives a cold effect to the
    hair effectively counteracting hot reflections.
  • Its low-volatile formulation guarantees high safety
    to the hairdresser.
  • The delicate fragrance ensures a pleasant service to the
  • Suitable for all bleaching techniques.
Activating cream

Its extraordinary creaminess allows optimal adherence to the hair.
Mixing with bleaching powder is quick and easy.
It is essential that the ICE9 Powder and the Activating Cream are always
used together:


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